The essence of the Lam Rim,The Graduated Path to Enlightenment,is Bodhicitta,relative and absolute.
How to unify the two in one.
The relative Bodhicitta is the development of the wish and action.
It is like i wish to go there(wish)then you go (action).
The action Bodhicitta is the practice of the six Paramita,the actions gone beyond the ordinary way of acting.
You need a starting point,that's the meditation on clean clear light,wich is not the realization complete,but the starting point,you need to start somewhere.
This leeds you to realize no thought,no more gross crowded thought,but of course there is still thought this is not the final realization of reality but it leads to,it is a subsitute a sublimation.
So you unify the relative and absolute into the clean clear light.
Light not only in terms of the source but in terms of a light that unite source and effect.
That's the essence the union of relative and absolute Bodhicitta, in the light of the clean clear state.
But of course you have to put it in action integrating everything into that clean clear light,remembering this is not the final goal but a way to sublimate,to lead you gradually to the final realization.
You cannot pretend I want to be Enlightened in one second,that's Ego again.
So be patient and continually concentrate on the clean clear light,gradually unifying souce and effect.
With this clean clear mind practice the six perfection,by remembering the goal of the perfections is Wisdom.
The real chod practice is unifying subject object and action.
So you cut by the weapon of clean clear light,the gross dark blocked conception held by the ignorant grasping.
The clean clear light meditation is the essence of all realization,by developing it you reach the unity,of cause and effect,of course this is a gradual step by step process.
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