Friday, 31 May 2013

Borobudur is a map for the discovering of  deep relaxation.

Relaxation in terms of letting go of the grasping mind,grasping at (concrete) reality as being existent from their side,having nothing to do with us.
The historical monument is located in the island of  Java Indonesia.
It was builded around 850 A.D.during the Buddhist Dinasty of  Sailendra family.
The king was desperate for the continous eruptions that where destroying the land and the people in the island,so he went for refuge to Guna Dharma Thera a highly realized Guru leaving there,who instructed him to construct a Mandala to pacify the wild energy of the island.
The first thing the Guru instructed was to construct a monument invoking the energy of relaxation from the ten directions.
With that monument even now you can invoke the subtle and extremely subtle energy of  all Enlightened Beings to bless you(chin lab),change your energy from negative to positive,helping you to realize the essence that is the union of relative and absolute reality.
The Union of Absolute and Relative.

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