Saturday 17 August 2013

The way of the red cloud.
a story of a man who went to the east to find solutions to his life. 

Thursday 4 July 2013


Sometime we hear that the tradition is old,has to adapt to the modern way so on.
Our countless illusions specially for are old,even if they take a modern aspect.
As Chandrakirti says in the "Four illusions"wich are out of time if we don't realize we are living in an illusory world we will never be liberated from sufferings.
We have to realize that what is dirty is not clean,what is pain is not pleasure,what is impermanent is not permanent and what is ego is n't ego.

Monday 17 June 2013


When will I come to have the joyous experience of seeing that appearance and emptiness assist one another just as they do in the case of the rope snake?
When I thought in terms of conceptual imputation,these numerous distorted apparitions appeared.
But they were still accompanied by the innate grasping within my mind.
It made me sad to think that I was still uncertain.

The eleven drawing of the wheel of life is of a person who has been shot in the eye with an arrow.

If someone has been shot in this way there will be unberable pain,a very gross experience of sensation.
So this picture simbolizes the link of feeling,after coming in contact with an object the child in the womb begin to experience corresponding feelings.
For example if the mother drinks cold or warm liquid he has the feelings of cold or warm.
Comment:here Geshe Rinpoche explains feeling in terms of a very gross pain.

Friday 31 May 2013

What is the relation between Tchu-Len and Chod.

Both they where practized by the Great Yoghi Padampa Sanghie who reached the stage of  Dorje Chan.
 He was contemporary of Milarepa, there is a very nice story of their meeting,He is belived to live up to these days at WuTaiShan China.
Tchulen is the union of relative and absolute Bodhicitta,Tchu is bodhi (light),len is citta the mind,in this context..
Chod is the cutting of all conceptual thought,specially the grasping at a self existent I,or pure intention and action united in the aim of destroying yours and all sentient beings sufferings, the grasping habit to a self existing reality.
How we do that with Tchulen,we take the essence of the union of the two bodhicitta by meditating on the clean clear nature of the mind, embracing the relative and absolute in the clean clear light of our mind nature,destroying naturally all allucinations about you,action and others.
Uniting all into the clean clear light,cutting off naturally with no effort all the rest of concepts.
Just clean clear light is all there is beyond all words and conceptions,checking always,with the fish like awareness, if the grasping to the old habit again reify the old reality, that never existed in the way it appeared.
TARA NGALSO Tchu Len-Take the essence, free yourself from all problems with the help of Tara.

Tchu is the essence,the union of the relative and absolute in the clean clear light.
The meditation on the clean clear light is the vehicle and the path,normally we do not say vehicle and path can be same,in the case of the clean clear light meditation we do.
The clean clear light meditation is vehicle and path leading you to the taking of the essence.
Take the essence by concentrating your mind on the clean clear light.
 The essence is the effect of clean clear mind meditation.
 there is some work to do in a realaxed way,something to eliminate and something to realize,ngal to eliminate sowa rigpa the wisdom of healing to realize.
Tara is the liberator,liberating you from all problems as it is illustrated in Her mantra
Tare means free,tuttare free from all problems,ture rapidly.
So Tara free rapidly from all problems,Ngalso work in a  relax way while eliminating the problems,Tchu-Len developing the wisdom that realize Bodhicitta relative and absolute.
This is the meaning of Tara ngalso tchu len.